If something goes wrong, if a part doesn’t fit or if what you purchased isn’t quite what you thought you needed; almost all of the parts sold by Parts-King are returnable within 30 days from the date of it’s original purchase with a nominal restocking charge or 15% of the part’s original purchase price. These new parts MUST NOT have been installed and also MUST be in their original & unopened packaging. New parts that have been installed, opened, altered, modified, painted are dirty, marked, damaged or are no longer in their original packaging are NON-RETURNABLE and Parts-King is NOT responsible for any costs exceeding the original cost of the part.
New items that are NON-RETURNABLE include the following :
Electrical or electronic components.
Walker or Hygrade Carburetor Kits and Autoline Carburetors.
Fel-Pro gaskets.
Any product sold by the foot, inch or meter such as :
Brake Line
Split Loom
Flex Exhaust
Mixed paint
Freight charges or ‘special order’ items
Any Returns on Warranty Batteries will be scrutinized and tested to confirm if the battery is indeed defective before any credit is issued or a replacement is given back to the customer which can take up to 2 business days, however normal 'new returns' are normally credited back to the customer to the card with which the original payment was made on the spot.